How to Find the Motivation to Keep Going When You’re Feeling Stuck


You know the feeling when you wake up in the morning and you don’t feel like doing anything? Despite your enormous workload, all the chores you need to do, and your desire to improve yourself you’re just not up to it. Well, I can relate.

Whether it’s due to a poor night’s sleep, a bad mood, or illness, there have been many times when I lacked motivation. It’s not a big deal when this happens from time to time. I take a day or two off, recharge, and get back to work. But what happens if you lack the motivation to keep going when you have a big goal, like running a marathon, starting a business, or writing a novel?

It can feel incredibly defeating to set your sights on a goal and fall short. I’ve failed at losing weight, starting businesses, and writing books, so I know that this defeat can lead to negative self-talk, depression, and the feeling that you’re never going to be happy.

However, I also know that success is possible. Despite a lifetime of depression and anxiety, I kept going and got better. Additionally, at the time of this writing, I have successfully published this blog for a year. That may not sound like a lot, but as someone who has a history of starting and stopping things, it’s a big deal.  

I’ve learned that it is possible to find the motivation to keep going when you’re feeling stuck, but it takes work. In the post, I’m going to help you understand why you’re stuck, and what you can do to get moving again.  

Why Do You Lack Motivation

To find the motivation to keep going, you first must figure out why you’re unmotivated. There are many possible reasons, here are a few to consider:

  1. Lack of purpose behind the goal (this one is important, I’ll come back to it shortly).
  2. Frustration over lack of progress.
  3. Fear of failure.
  4. Feeling exhausted or burnt out.
  5. Lack of confidence.
  6. Not having support to help you.
  7. Mental health problems.
  8. Conflicting obligations.

You may relate to one or more of these issues. If not, that’s ok, simply think about why you’re unmotivated and hold that in your mind. Or, better yet, write the reasons down. Now, as you read through the rest of this post, think about how each section can apply to help you get over the issue that’s plaguing you.

Decide If You Really Need To Find The Motivation To Keep Going

I know, I know, this sounds counterintuitive. You’re probably saying to yourself, “of course, I need to keep going, that’s why I’m reading this blog post.” Hang with me for a moment, while I explain.

When it comes to making progress in life, no matter the goal, there’s something that most people don’t understand. The goal doesn’t actually matter all that much. Now, there’s nothing wrong with setting goals, they can be great pit stops on your way to living the life you want, but they shouldn’t be your north star. Let me explain why through the following examples:

  • Let’s say your big goal is to run a marathon, well, what happens if you break your leg?
  • Perhaps you want to travel the world, but everything shuts down due to a global pandemic. Now, what can you do?

Both scenarios could cause major depression, but there’s a way to insulate yourself from this problem. You need to identify the why behind your goal, and that why is often a core value.

Values are the principles you live by. They are how you want to be remembered, and they are the compass that can guide you to a more meaningful life. Considering the examples above:

  • If your goal is to run a marathon, then you may value health or physical challenges. If you identify those values before setting the goal of running a marathon, then you can adjust when something negative happens, like breaking a leg. In that case, you could set a new goal based on a physical challenge you can do like kayaking, hand-cycling, or weightlifting.
  • This can also be applied to the example of a desire to travel the world. In that case, the value may be adventure. Well, you can’t travel the world, but there is plenty of adventure to find around you.

So, with values in mind, you need to ask yourself, “do I lack motivation because there’s no value or purpose behind my goal?” If so, then you don’t need to find the motivation to keep going. You need to identify your values so you can adjust your priorities. If you need help learning how to identify values, read my post, “How Do Values Affect Behavior?” It includes an interactive tool that will help you surface your values.

If you ask yourself the question and discover that there is a value behind your goal, then try to tap into it when you’re lacking motivation through committed action.

Use Values-Based Committed Action To Find Motivation

Committed Action To Find Motivation: Photo of a woman sitting in a field of wildflowers writing in a journal.

Values-based committed action is a way to find motivation by focusing on your values and taking action that is aligned with those values. So, reflect on what matters to you most in your life. This can be tied to the reason why you came to read this post in the first place, or it could be something else entirely. Whatever the value is, you need to choose a goal that’s aligned with it. Doing this will help you live a more meaningful life and eliminate many of the reasons that contribute to a long-term lack of motivation.

Once you have a values-based goal, you need to take action. Think of this like the small steps that lead to the bigger goal. Sticking with the marathon example, these small steps may include making healthy meal choices, committing to running, and ensuring you get proper rest. You may not do these actions every day, but if you take action aligned with your values most days you will likely reach your goal, and more importantly, you’ll lead a happier life.

Additionally, values-based committed action can help you overcome fear and anxiety if those are the causes of your lack of motivation. This is true because values (our heart’s deepest desires) are often stronger than anxiety and fear, so you can commit to moving forward despite these issues. To learn more about this process, read my post: “How to Overcome Fear of Failing and Achieve Your Goals.”

Find Support To Spark Inspiration

No matter how smart you are, or how much tenacity you have, it’s hard to go it alone. When I started my blog and podcast, I had a chip on my shoulder and wanted to prove to myself that I could do it without anyone’s help. But that led to slow growth, isolation, and frustration when I met a difficult problem that I had to work through.

There’s nothing wrong with seeking support, and it can make a huge difference in helping you find the motivation to keep going. If you’re a runner, find a running group. If you’re a writer, a writing group, or if you are a budding entrepreneur like me, find a community of like-minded people.

You can also read books and listen to podcasts, but there’s no substitute for real human interaction. Other people have been where you are and can help guide you when you’re stuck.

Take Care Of Yourself

If you’re having trouble finding the motivation to keep going when you’re stuck, then you may need some self-care. It’s very easy to burn out when chasing your goals, and it’s important to take care of yourself as you move along your journey.

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break for a few days, or even a few weeks. Remember the goal isn’t that important, your values are, so don’t be afraid to move the goalpost if you need rest.

You should also spend time thinking about what you can cut back on. I was recently working a full-time job, creating content for this blog and my podcast, and driving DoorDash. It was way too much. My mental health suffered, and I didn’t have time to take walks or go to the gym. So, I gave up driving DoorDash. It’s been harder to make financial progress, but my mental health and business are more important. What can you cut back on?

Whatever you do, commit to some self-care, because if you don’t take care of yourself then you will never reach your goals.

Celebrate The Small Wins

When chasing a big goal or dream it’s easy to focus on the finish line, but when you do that, you ignore all the little progress you make along the way. For the first eight months of working on this blog, I was so focused on growing fast I didn’t acknowledge all the progress I already made. I ranked on Google for multiple keywords, I consistently published content for several months, and I made great connections through my podcast. These are all things to celebrate.

What small wins have you ignored? Take some time to think and write them down. Save the list somewhere handy and look it over when you’re struggling. Gratitude for what we have or have done can make a huge impact on your mood and motivation. Many studies have proven that gratitude has immense power to make a positive impact.  

Get Some Professional Help

Did you struggle to find help in this article? Perhaps the advice I gave didn’t cover your reasons for lacking motivation. If that’s the case, then there’s likely a deeper problem you need help with.

Think about what’s holding you back and consider finding help. If it’s anxiety or depression, or some other mental health issue then you should find a therapist. Or if you need support find a coach that specializes in whatever you’re struggling with.

How To Find The Motivation To Keep Going

If the why behind your goal is strong enough then it’s possible and worth it, to find the motivation to keep going when you’re stuck. All you have to do is identify your roadblock, connect your goal to a strong value, find support, celebrate small wins, and prioritize self-care.

Nothing worth achieving is easy, but it is possible. I used to think it wasn’t. I never thought therapy would help me get better, but I stuck with it, and I significantly improved. I never thought I could stick with something for more than a few months, but I did it. If you’re looking at someone else and thinking that you can’t do it, I’m here to tell you that you can. I believe in you, now you just have to believe in yourself.  

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